Sorry that I havn't been on in ageeeees but I went to Paris! While I've been gone, loads has happened on CP!! Sorry that this is a little late, you probably already noticed all the stuff I'm gunna blog about but you never know? Someone could of like fell down a hill and lost there glasses then found them and realise there is a bunch of AWESOME stuff happening!!! I really need to keep on top of this right? Okay well anyway onto some news of my own, I am making a CP Guide book! Its not going to be any better than Club Penguins but I just was bored yesterday and went on Powerpoint and started it! There will be lots of hyperlinks and pages (looooooads of pages) and when its done which will be a while then I will show it you! Thats if you have microsoft powerpoint and the 2007 one. So anyway there is lots of stuff packed tight in the newspaper and my hands will hurt by the time this is finished :( I might have to just you know do like bits at a time, this isn't helping me just blabbering on about nothing to do with CP... Anyway here is some weird evidence of some event that might be happening soon in CP, remember when I shown you that picture before the fair and it had those 4 colors and it looked like those things where you have to remember the tune? Well its at the stadium!
Which colored team are you on? I'm blue, I was any way but its also my fave color :D
Drill on your fave color and something happens I think, I havn't tried it so try it yourself !! Theres an experiment for you, I think I'm just going to do this one short blog now and do the long one tommorow or later or some time, maybe next year or summin :) Whilst we are on the topic though, Club Penguin have also released a new Snow and Sports catalog! Yaaaaay finally :P I love to buy things from there, it fits in with the new better igloos catalog too because you can have a gym in your school! Good idea or what?
So in the new catalog you can be a cheerleader, well not you if your a boy unless you want to walk around in a dress. Oh and if you can't decide what team to pick then look back at the poll CP let out and see which one suites you. Here is the picture...
you like igloo decorating,
you often hang out at the Stage,
you love music
you enjoy having igloo parties with your buddies,
you're loyal,
you like being part of the team
you're competitive,
you're LOUD,
and you like to challenge your buddies at the Stadium
you're funny,
you like telling jokes,
and you love Jetpack Adventure
Changed font :D And if you can't decide which one is you, choose your fave color! The poll is closed I think so I won't give you the link to it.
Yellow is new! There is a new yellow team woohoo! Are you going to switch or compete against them? I'm sticking to blue! If you are blue team comment please ;)
Back to this font, comment which font you like better or is clearer if you want...
Anyway back to the sports catalog, I will quickly whizz through the new things in there...
There are the 4 different colored cheerleading outfits including the new color yellow! Also you can buy face paint for your team and when you wave it holds the go and the color of your teams sign up!
If you are a sneaker fan and collect sneakers then you can buy the green ones along with a yellow hockey jersey and a ginger mohawk.
You can get some tracksuits to train in and in the back there is some different furniture to buy including and excercise ball, some banners for your teams color and red and blue gym mats. This is good for your school gym too. Buy an excercise bike or treadmill to fitten up and you are the perfect sports person!
I will post more later but for now cya :P