
Carrying on

Okay so I'm back and its the end of September! October is nearly here and guess what that means?! HALLOWEEN ON CP!!!!  I can't wait.
Last times post at the end I had saw that cp are working on a new penguin style catalog to do with Halloween and some old favourites that old penguins may have seen before, this may be unfair and annoying that its all the same but its not fair that the new penguins will never get the chance to get your clothes!

Get your igloo ready for the Halloween igloo design contest - save those coins to buy all the good stuff! This will start October 15th so look out for it....
Club penguin will be celebrating their 5th Anniversary later on in October 24th, it seems like only yesterday that we were celebrating the 4th anniversary :) Hopefully me and Gratefull 2 will be able to celebrate by doing some things for that too =P
And of coarse the Halloween party will be starting on halloween of coarse and this news made me slip out of my seat as mazes are my favourite things in the world! I've been to nearly every maze there is - well no where near that but if I see a maze on holiday I make my family go there! Once I won a big basket of chocolatte as it was on  a timer! Yay :D Anyway, there will be a maze on club penguin too! It's called ...


Comment for what you are looking forward to the most! Back to the post before here is the picture that is for clues and sneak peaks! ....
So the middle one is the easiest, there will be lots more unknown stamps.
The last one with the green penguin shows the halloween maze and a weird bird or something in the BG?
Maybe we will get a free torch too!!
And the first one is slightly harder though after some quick thinking I realised it is the hats that maybe we will get to design for CP's 5th anniversary! Woot Woot!

Now that should have covered most of the what's new stuff, if you are interested in submiting an art picture for club penguins art contest for the anniversary party we are all invited to you can click on the link on the other page and go to the all blog section and find it! Rumor has been said that they might be hung up in the party on club penguin - is it true? It would be cool if it was!

So onto the newspaper - a scary edition :O I was just logging onto club penguin and there is a cool start screen saying 28 days untill halloween party with the last picture above - a bigger version and it looks like frakenstines shadow! THE CP OCTOBER CATALOG IS OUT NOW

There are loads of outfits - I didn't realise it was out now :D Check them out I don't want to spoil it...
So yeah I've covered most of the events - nearer the time I will remind you them but for now here are some sneaks and stuff on cp newspaper.

I'm having to much fun on CP - I will just post the secret revealed tommorow so goodbye and stay tuned for BIG suprises from me and other people/penguins. Waddle on !!



  1. cant wait untill halloween i luv mazes too!#


    i will make a site soon so lpz follow me bub!


Comment Away :D