
Newspaper and sports

Sorry that I didn't blog on time, this week I am soooo busy please don't go though, because there is lots of stuff coming up! Maybe not in this blog but in all of next week maybe if I am not busy, then I will be dedicating my time to blogging! There will hopefully be loads of info about CP and things no one knows!
My hair is wet at the mo so hang on....

4 hours later....

10 hours later...

Three days later...

Okay I am done :) Onto the events coming soon ...

October 1st - New penguin Style / A halloween special! Woohoo
October 5th - More stamps! Check out my stamp page for tips, when its done...
October 7th - New pin! Sorry that I havn't updated my pin button, I might aswell wait untill the new one is out.
October 8th - New penguin mail, send a postcard to your old buds :)
October 8th - New stage at play, secrets of the bamboo forest :O be a pig or monkey!!

I couldn't but help see that word 'Halloween' pop up there, I've just decorated my room with Halloween things! Well I'm older now and usually I'm just like yeah cool what evs but this year I want to make it a good Halloween, lets see what tricks club penguin have up there sleeve shall we? Hehe :P

Secret revealed
Aqua grabber
Don't know how to find a worm?
Read to find how to:
In the area with the fifth cream soda barrel, launch the sub into the top left corner.
Get the worm and drive to the net and earn a stamp. Yaaaay :D

Guess what?!?!
Soon you will be able to take your black puffle to the mine to play cart surfing! Woohoooooooo I love black puffles and this is my fave game :D

Sports news:
So as you know the other day I did a sports blog! It wasn't meant to be like that all the time but I thought that everytime a new sports mag is out then I should do a blog all about it! :D But then there was no point in making a whole new blog page about it because it would only be updated 4 times a year and maybe if there is anything sporty going on then then too. Also this is off the topic but some of you may have noticed that I have been making some other blogs about other things rather than cp, well I am trying to get more page views (they are low - don't look  :L) So there will be lots more coming out, keep checking and you might just find one that you like...
Anyway onto the sports news:
There should be some kind of party or some event going on soon, if you check in the newspaper it shows you some paragraphs about a big game going on so if you havn't then you need to go buy a cheerleading dress or soccer outfit now to join in! If you don't have enough coins... GET SOME! Wouldn't it be cool if there was a new club penguin famous referi coming out? Head to the sports field now and take part! TEAM BLUE :D

Field ops post will be coming soon and a new glitch I have found too !! And whats new will be covered too so stay tunes - PLEASE COMMENT :( Cya later!


P.s Remember hopefully next week there will be a special blogging festival from me :D Well not really festival but you know just check in and see whats happening :) byee

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