

I just noticed the amount of coins I have on one picture, the other day I had like 10 thousand which isn't much anyway but 307? Wow I need to work on that. So because of this by next Friday I need to do that photo again with more money! I need a target first though so do you have any ideas? Remember its only a week I have so don't make it to hard! Please comment if you do have a number! Okay so I was going to do a newspaper blog yesterday but looking at the newspaper this week it looks pretty packed for today although it started yesterday but I'm in England sorry :L So here we are:

Starting with the events...

October 8th - New stage play - Secrets of the bamboo forest
                      More new postcards - Halloween special!
                      New pin - More info later in this blog
October 15th - Igloo Contest - More info later in this blog
                        Better Igloos - Halloween version - Special furniture!

So that's it but the days are not jumbled so make sure you come on those specific days! Some things popped up there talking about halloween! There is a halloween igloo contest so get those coins ready to spill the beans!? Random but thats mainly why I need coins! HALLOWWWEEEEEN!! :D So members make sure you try the contest for coins I think, there are some groovy yet spooky new postcards out now, get in touch with a mate! Maybe go trick or treating with them? If you don't feel like going out in the snowy cold on halloween then throw a party in your warm cosy igloo with new furniture!

So there is a new play at the stage, I will talk more about that when I have my camera. Also there is a new pin. ITS A CARROT! So the carrot is at the night club, I will put the pin tracker on my page in a short while and so thats pretty much explained the events! Next is the field op of the week.

Field - Op
Go to the Night Club
Go to the boiler room through the speaker door
Go through to the swimming pool (This can also be done by going through drain in the plaza)
Go to the window
Accept the green flash
Choose the right shapes - Read instructions
You have one more point towards your elite gear!

Next post will be tommorow and is about the what's new page! Maybe some other tricks too?!


Oh and one more thing, put my click here picture onto your page please? Thanks! And vote on my poll two days left :O


  1. sick i have a number! 100000000000000000000000000000

  2. Ha that is funny
    um i love this blog i look at it all the time!

  3. umm g2 like to see you do it :L i can edit haha oh great what an idea...

    anonymous hmm who could it be? weird anwya g2 you helpin me with my newest post? its good idea :P i have bout 50 stamps outta 200 anyway :L


Comment Away :D