
Halloween Blog

My blog has changed much today, it is the special Halloween limited edition banner! This means it will be like this until the end of Halloween and then that's it, its gone, its not coming back. Maybe similar next year. But it won't come back. So it is different and now my posts will hopefully have a special Halloween twist. Any good ideas anyway? I want this Halloween blog to be AWESOME and not just that but OVER SUPER AWESOME!!!!! And to do that I need your help. So any ideas or anything then please comment!

There will be more info coming soon but check out the cool new stuff. My poll finished and the results were that you would all wish to have a Dojo in real life - cool! Also my EPF Page is finally coming together now and very shortly there will be a stamp page, well there already is one but there is nothing on it. So that is all coming very soon. Questions page has a comment box now and I have had 1 question so far which I have answered but if you have any feel free to comment! LEAVE YOUR PENGUIN NAME! If you don't have a penguin or you don't know the name then just say. More stuff soon then! More book codes coming too and it is all coming this week! If there is any other things you want updated or added then tell me and I will try to do it... Thanks then,

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