
my igloo - finished

Heres my igloo now its done! Phew that went quick ...

Hope you like it and if you think you can beat it (which you probably can) then send me it or give me your site thingy and put it on there. Oh yeah and sorry about that grey thing, i couldnt get rid of it because i need it to take the photo!

Anyway, an old glitch which im surprised club penguin havn't done anything about is how to walk on a path. First go to whatever path you want to walk on then stand quite a way back from it, walk towards it then open up your email page. Keep it up for about 30 seconds or less depending on how far away from it you were then close it and you will be on the path! This is my first glitch i've put down so this goes to everyone that uses it - if something goes wrong with your penguin then comment on the glitch it was and i will delete it. Dont worry though because i have a spare penguin which i check on weekly!
Thanks for reading my post.



Comment Away :D