
Bubbeboo124's first blog!

Heya guys! Its bubbeboo124 and i have only just made this account. Please stay tuned because i will be showing you all different glitches and a few words for the unlock treat thing. Thanks for reading my first blog and enjoy whats coming up! First though, you may be wondering why there wasnt an easter egg hunt this year. I mailed them and they told me that some people dont celebrate easter so its not fair! Thats not fair on people who do now is it? I do love club penguin but they are making some pretty weird changes now...

In other news, the new pin (sport shop) is a cupcake! I love cupcakes so this is my fave pin so far :P Its at the top of the page because im new as i said and i dont have a clue how you move that thing down haha. So thanks for reading and i hope you like my page! Farewell
- Bubbeboo124

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