

Hi everyone!!
I've had very little sleep lately and it seems to be because im getting sucked into doin this, the weather is getting better but i just stick inside playing on my laptop. This is not helping me sleep and im as white as hmmm well something real white. I will still come on but not as often as usual :/ Okay i cant think now im just watching my cat stare at the light :L Anywayz this is addictive and im gunna miss it, im not saying im quitting it for a while im just saying i wont be adding loads of blogs very often. I have some exams coming up in which i need to study (: Oh and at the end of may (Start of June) im going to be on holiday for a week and im not allowed to bring my laptop!! Arghhh :( So please comment XD And once again i'm NOT quitting and I WILL be coming on still. So dont stop tuning in :D Byeeeeeeeee

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