
Club Penguin Funny Pictures!

I really can't think what to blog about so i typed in google images club penguin then it came up with a funny picture so i decided to share some with you! I don't own these and I don't know who made them but here goes oh and before I show you them i couldn't put on the real funny ones because they had rude words in :(

Hope you like it! Sorry if you cant read it, when I figure out how to i'm going to add a new page and put it on there along with another page with them book codes :D Keep checking out my blog until I find it!


  1. Go on add gadget then on pages. :-)


  2. Thnx for givin meh credit on the codes Bubbeboo!

  3. MAGNO! WHIZZBOBROX! ur here! Magno r u friends with me on CP?

    By the way like ur pics!

  4. um ur pics r COOL but i dont seem that its funny

    Pirate Yarr1


Comment Away :D