
New name!

I thought having my penguin name was a good idea as a title but no one is really going to type in that to discover my blog so I've changed it! Its now called CPportion, please tell me if you like my new name.  Also i've made a new banner! At least I think its a banner, I made it by paint so it's not very good but it is for a starter right? I loved the banner before by Whizzbobrox (check out his blog too) though it doesn't really fit my new background. Overtime i'm trying to change my blog a bit to make it better then before and it seemed the great day to do a little of changing today as it was raining! Now that its getting colder and wetter I should be able to do some more posting though please comment to let me know your here to persuade me to more blogging. Thanks so much for reading


  1. Heyy
    Nice banner :)
    And thnx for putting my button rite at the top :D

  2. Its okay lol thanks :D It took ageeees :L


Comment Away :D