
Stamps to collect for puffle rescue!

From today club penguin have added a new section to the stampbook games to  collect. Now you can get stamps for puffle rescue! Overtime, hopefully club penguin will add more games because so far I'm not very good at these games! Also you can comment in the 'what's new' newest blog on the stamp you have found most difficult. If they choose you to put in next week's reviewed by you, you can recieve 10 000 coins! Click below to answer...

Click here now!

Also if you have had trouble making a party igloo on club penguin and don't know what to base it on or how to style it, check out my new blog. Click here to go straight to it!

Click here now!


I have been hacked! I don't know who by but they have been sending comments to people which I have noticed. I have changed my password so hopefully they won't come back. If they do please tell me!
Sorry if you were involved.

3 Days to go untill the fair! Woohoo :D I'm sure their will be loads of things to do there so be prepared and book your computer! Thats it for now, hopefully there will be something to comment about tommorow.



Club Penguin on wii September

Earlier on this year we heard news from club penguin that a wii game is coming out, they didn't tell us much about it so it made us all a little more unpatient. Luckily Happy77 has found some people who made the game and now you can ask them questions about it. They will choose a few to answer Sunday so you best start thinking now!

Here's a sneak peek photo!

I can't wait can you?
Here's the link to go to the commenting! Hope you have plently of question's!

Have fun commenting! Also comment on this blog if you are going to get it :P Thanks




The winner for the Haiti art competition is .....
Well done Mickey! 62% of penguins voted this penguins art!
So as I said I would, I am putting their picture on my blog.
It probably won't be their forever but for now take a look :D
I said yesterday I won't be on but I just quickly typed this up.
So heres the winning picture!

Bye for now,



2 Puffle's to come?

(This is tommorows blog.) Okay so this is an old picture from the latest puffle party but I just happened to come over it and when I took a look it had a brown T and a different coloured pink Y so we got the orange and from that it goes into the order of them two. So maybe later on this year club penguin will be releasing a brown puffle? After all of the colours are out then what will happen? Maybe a new type of pet or that could be it. So here is the picture, take a look.

See? Looks like we know next years puffle colour!
And the year afters...

My Dads birthday is tommorow and we are having a party so I probably won't blog, but this is to make up for it!
So I was wondering has anyone ever found a bug in the EPF command room? I sometimes go up to the screen to search for bugs but nothing happens. Thats all for now, stay and read the rest of my blogs though! Dont forget to comment :D


RockHopper arriving for fair!

Heres a picture i've took from the beacon! Thats Rockhoppers ship, looks like he will be arriving for the fair.

And it looks like you can now change your igloo for free if you have bought it before! They all get saved into a storage box, the new pin is an igloo and it is in my pin page so check it out to see where it is.

I am going to do a poll later so please vote! I am as excited as you are to see those boxes opened and the fall-fair starting! Hopefully there will be some new things to do or buy with tickets this year.

Thats all for now



Haiti Art Project

I have decided that for the winner of the Haiti picture contest I will put up there picture on my left bar! Also for some pictures club penguin have put up for a poll or just a cool picture I will put it up too :D And i was wondering if this year we will have a colour contest?

Every now and then Club Penguin make new backgrounds, this is the latest one. I think it's cool XD

I've met 2 different people today who read my blog, if you read it and want to see me on club penguin then just say!


Art for Haiti Project Finalists and new newspaper

Well done to Bella Stars, Mochileiro 7, Cadogs and Mickey1216 for their excellant work making it to the final. There could only be four winners so congratulations to them! Here are the amazing pictures they have made.

Fantastic, time is ticking so vote now at http://community.clubpenguin.com/blog/2010/08/haiti.php!
D is winning so far but the results can change anytime!! Friday is when the results are shown.

Don't forget to sign up for the EPF so you don't miss out on missions and every week talk to G to be given field ops and save for the full outfit!

It thursday so that means a new newspaper! And guess what? The fair is coming! And that also means that Rockhopper should show up in the telescope soon so make sure you get that free item on his boat and try to find the server to recieve your free background from him. We should all be preparing for the games to play to win tickets, hopefully we will win different prizes this year.

I hope you have lots of coins because new things are coming out soon so read the dates below to see when you need that money for! If you like hoodies then the next issue of clothes is the right one for you.

September 3rd - Penguin Style
September 3rd - 12th - The Fair
September 10th - New pin
September 17th - New play at the stage/Fairy Fables
September 17th - New Igloos

One more thing, I saw a cool picture on club penguin's newspaper which i've always wondered about. What does a igloo look like from the outside? if you go on the page before Aunt Arctics questions you will find out! Cool picture :D And soon you can save an igloo you've bought! Hurray! I bought a tent from the fair last year and it was cool but I had to wait another year until I could buy it again. So I have decided to do a big blog every Thursday (as long as i'm not busy - if I am I will try doing it as soon as I can) If you are stuck you can ask Aunt Arctic but she has so many questions you may not get picked.

This weeks secret revealed:
How to do special dances.
To dance you can either click the sitting down penguin next to the snowball then click the top picture or press 'D' on your keyboard, there are different ways you can dance though.
You can dance normal or get a free radio and breakdance. You can wear a yellow hat and hammer and many more ways, if you are wondering where these things are they can sometimes be bought at the gift shop but by members only or you can get them free at special partys or new rooms. Every month when there is a new penguin clothes catalog there is a section called penguins at work, usually you have to dance to work.
Field Op:

If you have a blog button thing you want to have shown on my site then just comment and give me the link thing and I will put it on! So far I have 1, Cp Genius.

Thats all i've got now so thanks for reading and pleeeeeeaaaase comment and follow me!


Instead of making a new post about it, have any of you noticed that since last week you can click on the the TV in the EPF Command Room and when you go onto the two people chatting and turn your sound on it says.. 'This conversation would probably be a lot more intresting with sound... huh?' Cool isn't it!


New name!

I thought having my penguin name was a good idea as a title but no one is really going to type in that to discover my blog so I've changed it! Its now called CPportion, please tell me if you like my new name.  Also i've made a new banner! At least I think its a banner, I made it by paint so it's not very good but it is for a starter right? I loved the banner before by Whizzbobrox (check out his blog too) though it doesn't really fit my new background. Overtime i'm trying to change my blog a bit to make it better then before and it seemed the great day to do a little of changing today as it was raining! Now that its getting colder and wetter I should be able to do some more posting though please comment to let me know your here to persuade me to more blogging. Thanks so much for reading


Glitch I Found!

I was playing the trumpet in the lighthouse and clicked on the newspaper, the music carried on and when I came off the newspaper I wasn't playing the trumpet and it still carried on!!! Try it XD



My new blog!

Please follow my new blog, this is the link ...


Pleeeease check it out!!  Its new so its not amaazing but i'm trying to start it off
(there's no point if no one checks it out)
I have 1 follower so far so thanks Pirate Yarr1 !!

Now I bet your wondering what this blogs all about,
Its about find four! I think its a real fun game even though you don't get much coins.
I'm sure there is lots of people out there who are brilliant at this game and I want to find them!!
So if you think you are good then follow my blog and keep in touch!
I'm not sure where this will go but hopefully it will be successfull!
And please comment on my picture I have made :D
I hope you get it ?!?

Hiking Catalog

So club penguin are planning a hiking trip up a mountain soon and recently there has been a new catalog at the gift shop, it's all about hiking! You can find the hidden blue rubber duck for 50 coins on the 4th page up in the tree so swim at the cove and earn 1 stamp. This must mean that this party will be coming very soon, I can't wait!

If you've noticed anything else in club penguin please comment! I'm stuck on what to write about :(





Last time not many people voted on my poll, I don't have much followers anyway but PLEASE VOTE ON MY POLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats it really...


Not sure :) theres a bug on my screen

Hi im back!! Should be on some more now so for this blog i'm going to talk about some random things about club penguin. Now it's the start of August so some new things should be happening on club penguin, firstly something to do with a mountain expedition. Here's a sneak peek of it!
So that first picture explains the new mountain coming up, there will be lots more stamps though I don't know what the second picture is. If you have any idea then please comment!! The last picture seems to be about Elite Agents so if you are one then keep checking the command room and also your elite gear?!

So I havn't been on the computer alot and some things have been added to club penguin, how many stamps do you people have? I only have 8!!! If you go onto what's new you can give idea's for stamps, here's a cool but random picture  of stamps!!
Also some probably quite old news for you, there are 3 new groovy tunes for DJ3K at the nightclub so if your a member be sure to check it out!! And my penguin buddy Whizzbobrox is making a band so go to his page and find out more about it to watch them perform, whilst im on that subject my igloo has been done up and is now a night club with restroom so please go look and if you havn't added me then comment when you're free to meet me!

Have fun and be safe :)
