
My Band

Today I did something different, and I will try to every week. But anyway, today I joined a band. It was one of those being in the right place at the right time but over time people left and other people came untill hardly anyone was there. I managed to take a picture of it with most people in! Well done penguins, you're now famous but will never know ;D

If you can impress me with more people then mail a picture of your band! If it is bigger or better I might just post it! Hope you've all had a fun holiday, happy new year too! Don't you just love the fireworks at the iceberg and ski hill? The puffle really catches my eye...

Some penguins are trying to tip the ice berg for new year, whilst watching the fireworks :)

My blog will be normal again by the end of next week, now lets get some new followers in 2011! Please spread the word on your blog or tell your friends! Thanks :D

I suppose I best help with the iceberg then, bye!

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