
More EPF News

So to those who read my last post, CP have been saying some strange stuff. EPF Agents have been found out and when you go to Community and click the EPF button it comes up with this...

and when you go to the EPF Command Room the message is back...

Three more entrances, but I'm really disappointed because I had one more Elite Points until I had enough to get the whole thing I wanted then it all disappeared! Is this part of whatever is happening or a bug? There are still no bugs detected so nobody knows.

Anyway there are some new pages to the gift shops catalog, lets check them out!

Looks like there's a page for female and male! Look out for the viking hat too!

I am an EPF person myself, obviously. If you want a message sent from me comment! Here is me working..

More posts coming soon, but for now try find clues for this EPF mystery!

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